Galt High School

Galt High Reunion Photos
Select the group of photos you wish to see. This is a slideshow (7 secs per photo to give you time to read the caption). We are adding more pictures as we have time to process them. You will be notified as this happens.
2022: We thank Arielle Buchanan (Liberty High School class 2016), volunteer photographer at the reunion, Emily English, and Brooklyn Bussman (both class 2025) volunteer photography students from Liberty High School. These pictures definitely show their photographic ability.
If you see picture(s) that you would like a copy of, you may do so by selecting/choosing the picture. Then right-click on the picture. When the box appears, choose "save image as." Doing this will download the photo onto your device. You may then save, rename, and print the picture. Captions are provided when we know the person's name in a photo. Please contact me if you can help put names on the pictures.